Certified Small Size Federal Reserve Notes - $2.00

1976-E *STAR* - $2 PMG Gem Unc 65 EPQ 1976-E *STAR* - $2
PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ - FR-1935-E* Neff/Simon - GEM Uncirculated Bicentennial "STAR" note from the Richmond Virginia Federal Reserve District "E".(Only 640,000 printed!). White clean with EPQ "Exceptional Paper Quality"
1976-I - $2.00 "STAR" FR.1935-I* US small size federal reserve note PCGS Choice About Uncirculated 58 1976-I - $2 FR-1935-I* "STAR"
PCGS Choice About Uncirculated 58 - FR-1935-I* Neff/Simon - Looks Uncirculated to me? Crisp and clean STAR note with "Premium Paper Quality". A harder to find key STAR note from the "I" Minneapolis District.
1976-I - $2.00 "STAR" FR-1935-I* US small size federal reserve note 1976-I - $2 FR-1935-I* *STAR*
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 - FR-1935-I* Neff/Simon - Great margins on this near gem STAR note with "Exceptional Paper Quality". A harder to find key STAR note from the "I" Minneapolis District.
1976-J - $2 FR-1935-J* *STAR* PMG-CU 64 EPQ 1976-J - $2 FR-1935-J* *STAR*
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 - FR-1935-J*Neff/Simon - Great margins on this near gem STAR note with "Exceptional Paper Quality". A harder to find key STAR note from the "J" Kansas City District.