$1.00 Silver Certificates

1928 $1 FR-1600 GEM-65PPQ US small size silver certificate Funny Back 1928 $1 FR-1600 GEM-65PPQ
PCGS GEM New 65 PPQ - FR-1600 Tate/Mellon - Great looking GEM TYPE NOTE with Premium Paper Quality. First series for the Funny Back silver certificate.
1928-A $1 FR-1601 1928-A $1 FR-1601
Very Good or Better - FR-1601 Woods/Mellon
1928-A $1 FR-1601 US silver certificate PMG CU 64 1928-A $1 FR-1601
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 - FR-1601 Woods/Mellon - Crisp pack fresh near GEM that is centered just a little high for a GEM.
1928-A $1 FR-1601 US small size silver certificate blue seal PMG GEM-65EPQ 1928-A $1 FR-1601 GEM-65EPQ
PMG GEM Uncirculated 65 EPQ - FR-1601 Woods/Mellon - Great GEM TYPE NOTE with Exceptional Paper Quality and a cool serial #.
1928-A $1 FR-1601* STAR note funny back silver certificate 1928-A $1 FR-1601* STAR
Fine+ FR-1601* Woods/Mellon - High grade Fine STAR NOTE with some rust stains.
1928-B $1 FR-1602 1928-B $1 FR-1602
Very Good - FR-1602 Woods/Mills
1928-B $1 FR-1602 US small size silver certificate PMG AU 58 1928-B $1 FR-1602
PMG Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ - FR-1602 Woods/Mills - Beautiful note with great margins and EPQ Exceptional Paper Quality. Serial # G17039649B
1928-B $1 FR-1602 US small size silver certificate PMG AU 58 1928-B $1 FR-1602
PMG Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ - FR-1602 Woods/Mills - Beautiful note with great margins and EPQ Exceptional Paper Quality. Serial # G17039650B
1928-D $1 FR-1604 PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 1928-D $1 FR-1604 "GEM 65"
PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ - FR-1604 Julian/Wooden - Looks like it was made yesterday! GEM margins with Exceptional Paper Quality "EPQ". Tough series to find especially in GEM 65
1928-E $1 FR-1605 "Key Note" 1928-E $1 FR-1605 "Key Note"
PMG Very Fine 20 - FR-1605 Julian/Morgenthau - The KEY note to the series. Good margins and even wear.
1934 $1 FR-1606
Very Good or Better - FR-1606 Julian/Morgenthau
1934 $1 FR-1606 US small size silver certificate blue seal funny back 1934 $1 FR-1606
Very Fine - FR-1606 Julian/Morgenthau
1934 $1 FR-1606 funny back silver certificate 1934 $1 FR-1606
Extremely Fine - FR-1606 Julian/Morgenthau - Clean surfaces with good paper quality.
1934 $1 FR-1606 PMG CU-64 EPQ 1934 $1 FR-1606 CU-64 EPQ
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1606 Julian/Morgenthau - D-A Block Clean, fresh near GEM with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality.
1934 $1 FR-1606* STAR note funny back silver certificate 1934 $1 FR-1606* STAR
Fine - FR-1606* Julian/Morgenthau - Nice margins on this hard to find STAR NOTE just honest wear.
1934 $1 FR-1606* STAR note funny back silver certificate 1934 $1 FR-1606* STAR
PMG Very Fine 25 - FR-1606* Julian/Morgenthau - Attractive VF STAR NOTE with no stains, pinholes or other problems.
1935 $1 FR-1607 US small size silver certificate blue seal PMG Choice Uncirculated 65 EPQ 1935 $1 FR-1607
PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ - FR-1607 Julian/Morgenthau - Beautiful GEM with great margins and "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. First issue of the well known look of the dollar bill.
1935 $1 FR-1607 US small size silver certificate blue seal PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ 1935 $1 FR-1607
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1607 Julian/Morgenthau - Near GEM with clean white fresh paper "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. First issue of the well known look of the dollar bill.
1935-A $1 FR-1608
Very Fine or Better - FR-1608 Julian/Morgenthau - No Motto Note.
1935-A $1 FR-1608 US small size silver certificate blue seal 1935-A $1 FR-1608
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1608 Julian/Morgenthau - No Motto - For the collector that likes Consecutive Numbered notes.
1935-A $1 "STAR" FR-1608* US small size silver certifcate star note blue seal 1935-A $1 FR-1608* "STAR"
PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ - FR-1608* Julian/Morgenthau Very Choice No Motto 1935-A "STAR" Note with Exceptional Paper Quality.
1935-A $1 FR-1608* "STAR"
Very Good or Better - FR-1608* Julian/Morgenthau - No Motto 1935-A STAR Note.
1935-A $1 STAR FR-1608* Silver certificate star note 1935-A $1 FR-1608* "STAR"
Uncirculated - FR-1608* Julian/Morgenthau - Sharp and crisp No Motto 1935-A STAR Note with great paper quality.
1935-A $1 "R" Note FR-1609 US small size silver certificate 1935-A $1 FR-1609 "R" Experimental Note
PCGS Choice New 63 PPQ - FR-1609 Julian/Morgenthau - Nice margins on this Choice Uncirculated note! With PPQ "Premium Paper Quality" Seldom encountered "R" Experimental Blue Seal US Silver Certificate. It has been said in the case of experimental notes a red R was overprinted on the regular paper and a S was overprinted on the special paper. But recent information has come up that the "R" really stands for Rayon and these are the experimental notes, while "S" means Silk. During WW 2 a large amount of silk was needed to make parachutes. So it would be likely that this was a wartime experiment to replace the silk threads used in US currency. The notes both R & S were delivered June 20th 1944 and issued into circulation to test there comparable durability. No conclusive results were determined from the experimental issue. Still a neat part of history!
1935-B $1 FR-1611 US small size blue seal silver certificate 1935-B $1 FR-1611
Fine or Better - FR-1611 Julian/Vinson - No Motto Note.
1935-B $1 FR-1611* "STAR" PMG CU 64EPQ 1935-B $1 FR-1611* "STAR"
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1611* Julian/Vinson - No Motto Note. Well margined overall with Exception Paper Quality.
1935-C $1 FR-1612
Very Fine or Better - FR-1612 Julian/Snyder - No Motto Note.
1935-C $1 FR-1612 US small size silver certificate blue seal 1935-C $1 FR-1612
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1612 Julian/Snyder
1935-C $1 FR-1612 - LOW 2 DIGIT SERIAL # US small size blue seal silver Certificate 1935-C $1 FR-1612 - LOW 2 DIGIT SERIAL #
PCGS Very Choice Uncirculated 64 - FR-1612 Julian/Snyder - From the TD Block with LOW 2 digit SERIAL NUMBER OOOOOO55.
1935-C $1 FR-1612* "STAR" US small size silver certificate blue seal 1935-C $1 FR-1612* "STAR"
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1612* Julian/Snyder - No Motto Star Note. Very near Gem with Exception Paper Quality "EPQ".
1935-D $1 FR-1613N US small size silver certificate blue seal 1935-D $1 FR-1613N
PMG GEM Uncirculated 65 EPQ - No Motto Narrow - FR-1613N Clark/Snyder - Well centered "Narrow" GEM Silver Certificate note with Exception Paper Quality.
1935-D $1 FR-1613N
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1613N Clark/Snyder - No Motto Narrow -
1935-D $1 FR-1613N KG Block US small size silver certificate PMG GEM Uncirculated 65 EPQ 1935-D $1 FR-1613N KG Block
PMG GEM Uncirculated 65 EPQ - No Motto Narrow - FR-1613N Clark/Snyder - Well margined GEM Silver Certificate from the tougher KG Block.With Exceptional Paper Quality and Great Embossing.
1935-D $1 FR-1613W Fancy Serial Number US small size silver certificate 1935-D $1 FR-1613W Fancy Serial Number
PCGS Very Choice New 64 PPQ - No Motto Wide - FR-1613W - Clark/Snyder - Great eye appeal on this near GEM note with fancy serial number G55000099F.
1935-D $1 FR-1613W* "STAR" US small size silver certificate blue seal 1935-D $1 FR-1613W* "STAR"
PMG GEM Uncirculated 65 EPQ - No Motto Wide - FR-1613W Clark/Snyder - Beautiful GEM Wide Silver "Star" note with Exception Paper Quality and great margins. Back plate number 4130.
1935-E $1 FR-1614
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1614 Priest/Humphrey - Nice original Uncirculated No Motto Note .
1935-E $1 FR-1614* "STAR" 1935-E $1 FR-1614* "STAR"
PMG GEM Uncirculated 65 EPQ - Priest/Humphrey FR-1614* - Beautiful GEM "Star" note with Exception Paper Quality.
1935-E $1 FR-1614* *STAR* US small size silver certificate 1935-E $1 FR-1614* *STAR*
Very Good or Better - FR-1614* Priest/Humphrey - Star note.
1935-E $1 FR-1614* *STAR* US silver certificate blue seal 1935-E $1 FR-1614* *STAR*
Choice Uncirculated 64 - FR-1614* Priest/Humphrey - Great color on this near Gem Star note.
1935-F $1 FR-1615
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1615 Priest/Anderson - Good color, and paper quality. Priest/Anderson FR-161
1935-F $1 FR-1615* *STAR* US small size silver certificate blue seal 1935-F $1 FR-1615* *STAR*
Good or Better - FR-1615* Priest/Anderson - Star Note
1935-F $1 FR-1615* *STAR* 65 EPQ *G Block US small size silver certificate PMG GEM Uncirculated 65 EPQ 1935-F $1 FR-1615* *STAR* 65 EPQ *G Block
PMG GEM Uncirculated 65 EPQ - FR-1615* Priest/Anderson - The *G Block is about 3X scarcer than the *F Block in GEM. Nice GEM with Exceptional Paper Quality.
1935-G $1 FR-1617 With Motto 1935-G $1 FR-1617 With Motto
PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 - FR-1617 Smith/Dillon - Choice Uncirculated With Motto silver certificate.
1935-H $1 FR-1618 US small size silver certificate blue seal 1935-H $1 FR-1618
Choice Uncirculated - FR-1618 Granahan/Dillon - Pack fresh CU note.
1957 $1 FR-1619
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1619 Priest/Anderson - Crisp beautiful note.
1957 $1 FR-1619 66PPQ
PCGS Gem New 66PPQ - FR-1619 Priest/Anderson - Well centered white GEM+.
1957 $1 FR-1619 PCGS Gem New 66PPQ US Silver Certificate 1957 $1 FR-1619 66PPQ
PCGS Gem New 66PPQ - FR-1619 Priest/Anderson - Well centered white GEM+.
1957 $1 FR-1619 67PPQ "LOW" 2 DIGIT Serial # US small size silver certificate PCGS 67PPQ 1957 $1 FR-1619 67PPQ "LOW" 2 DIGIT Serial #
PCGS Superb Gem New 67PPQ - FR-1619 Priest/Anderson - Beautiful Superb Gem silver certificate plus a very desirable "LOW Serial Number K00000032A.
1957 $1 FR-1619* *STAR*
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1619* Priest/Anderson - Beautiful Star Note.
1957 $1 FR-1619* *STAR* US small size silver certificate blue seal 1957 $1 FR-1619* *STAR*
Very Good or Better - FR-1619* Priest/Anderson - Star Note.
1957-A $1 FR-1620 US small size silver certificate blur seal 1957-A $1 FR-1620
PCGS Gem New 65PPQ - FR-1620 Smith/Dillon - GEM note with Premium Paper Quality.
1957-A $1 FR-1620 US small size silver certificate blur seal 1957-A $1 FR-1620
PCGS Gem New 66PPQ - FR-1620 Smith/Dillon - GEM+ note with Premium Paper Quality.
1957-A $1 FR-1620
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1620 Smith/Dillon - Great looking clean fresh note.
1957-A $1 FR-1620 64PPQ
PCGS Very Choice New 64PPQ - FR-1620 Smith/Dillon - Near Gem note with Premium Paper Quality.
1957-A $1 FR-1620 64PPQ
PCGS Very Choice New 64PPQ - FR-1620 Smith/Dillon - Near Gem note with Premium Paper Quality.
1957-B $1 FR-1621
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1621 Granahan/Dillon - Sharp and original!
1957-B $1 FR-1621 64PPQ
PCGS Very Choice New 64PPQ - FR-1621 Granahan/Dillon - Great original note with Premium Paper Quality.
1957-B $1 *STAR* FR-1621* US small size silver certificate blue seal 1957-B $1 FR-1621* *STAR*
Very Good or Better - FR-1621* Granahan/Dillon - Star Note
10 Average Circulated $1.00 Silver Certificates w/ BLUE Seal - There will be both 1935 & 1957 series notes. They will be well circulated but complete without any missing corners. Limited supply at this price.