Small Size Federal Reserve Notes - $5.00

1928 $5.00 FR-1950-K US small size federal reserve note PCGS Choice New 63 PPQ 1928 $5.00 FR-1950-K Dallas
PCGS Choice New 63 PPQ - FR-1950-K Tate/Mellon - Dallas District - Great PPQ "Premium Paper Quality" with dark inks and crisp clean surfaces. If the left margin was a little better it would have graded higher. Early small size Federal Reserve note with numerals in federal reserve seal.
1928-B $5 FR-1952-C dgs US small size federal reserve note PMG CU 63 EPQ 1928-B $5 FR-1952-C dgs
PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ - $5 FR-1952-C Woods/Mellon - Dark Green Seal - Philadelphia District - This is a consecutive serial # to the other CU-63 on the web site. Early small size federal reserve note "Redeemable in gold on demand".
1928-B $5 FR-1952-C dgs PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ 1928-B $5 FR-1952-C dgs
PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ - $5 FR-1952-C Woods/Mellon - Dark Green Seal - Philadelphia District - Crackling fresh paper. Im sure if it had a little better centering on the face it would be a GEM. This is a consecutive serial # to the other CU-63 on the web site. Early small size federal reserve note "Redeemable in gold on demand".
1928-B $5 FR-1952-E US small size fereral reserve note 1928-B $5 FR-1952-E
Crisp Uncirculated - $5 FR-1952-E Richmond District Woods/Mellon - Well margined early small size federal reserve note "Redeemable in gold on demand".
1928-C $5 FR-1953-F Light Green Seal Federal Reserve Note 1928-C $5 FR-1953-F LGS
PCGS Very Fine 25 - FR-1953-F Light Green Seal Atlanta District Woods/Mills. A well centered no problem example from the Atlanta district. This scarce series was printed for the Cleveland, Atlanta and San Francisco districts but only Atlanta District notes are known. A small printing was made for this short lived series during the Great Depression.
1934 $5 Light Green Seal Federal Reserve Note FR-1955-K LGS 1934 $5 FR-1955-K LGS
PCGS Choice New 63 - FR-1955-K Light Green Seal Dallas District Julian/Morgenthau. Bright, crisp uncirculated note with Premium Paper Quality.
1934 $5 FR-1955-K LGS US small size federal reserve note PCGS 64PPQ 1934 $5 FR-1955-K LGS
PCGS Choice New 64 PPQ - FR-1955-K Light Green Seal Dallas District Julian/Morgenthau. Bright, crisp uncirculated note with Premium Paper Quality.
1934 $5 FR-1956-J* DGS "STAR" US small size federal reserve note PMG Choice Very Fine 35 1934 $5 FR-1956-J* DGS "STAR"
PMG Choice Very Fine 35 - FR-1956-J* Mule Dark Green Seal Kansas City District Julian/Morgenthau. Original high grade VF example of this rare Kansas City mule STAR note. The Schwartz-Lindquist book reports only 2 examples known and lists this star note at $300 in VF..
1950 $5 Type Special
Very Good or better - Receive a 1950 $5.00 Federal Reserve Note in Very Good or better condition. (Our choice on series).
1950 A $5 FR-1962-J* *STAR* US small size federal reserve note PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ 1950-A $5 FR-1962-J* *STAR*
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1962-J* STAR NOTE Priest/Humphrey - From the Kansas City J District. Fresh near GEM with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. Only 1,800,000 star notes made.
1950-A $5 FR-1962-K* *STAR* US federal reserve note PMG CU 64EPQ 1950-A $5 FR-1962-K* *STAR*
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1962-K* STAR NOTE Priest/Humphrey - From the Dallas K District. Fresh from the pack near GEM with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. Only 1,368,000 star notes made.
1950 C $5 FR-1964-C* *STAR* US small size federal reserve note PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ 1950-C $5 FR-1964-C* *STAR*
PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ - FR-1964-C* STAR NOTE Smith/Dillon - From the Philadelphia C District. Pack fresh well margined GEM. Great note with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. Only 1,800,000 star notes made.
1950-C $5 FR-1964-D* *STAR* PMG GEM 66 EPQ 1950-C $5 FR-1964-D* *STAR*
PMG Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ - FR-1964-D* STAR NOTE Smith/Dillon - From the Cleveland D District. Great GEM+ note with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. Only 1,800,000 star notes made.
1950-C $5 FR-1964-F US small size federal reserve note 1950-C $5 FR-1964-F
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1964-F Smith/Dillon - Atlanta District
1950-C $5 FR-1964-F* PMG 64 EPQ US small size federal reserve note 1950-C $5 FR-1964-F* "STAR"
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1964-F* STAR NOTE Smith/Dillon - From the Atlanta F District. Near GEM note with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality.
1950-C $5 FR-1964-G* "STAR" PMG Gem CU 66 EPQ 1950-C $5 FR-1964-G* "STAR"
PMG GEM Uncirculated 66 EPQ - FR-1964-G* STAR NOTE Smith/Dillon - From the Chicago G District. GEM 66 note with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. As of 2/23 PMG has graded only 1 better.
1950-C $5 FR-1964-I* "STAR" PMG CU 54 EPQ 1950-C $5 FR-1964-I* "STAR"
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1964-I* STAR NOTE Smith/Dillon - From the tougher Minneapolis I District. Near GEM note with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. Only 720,000 made.
1950 C $5 FR-1964-J* *STAR* US small size federal reserve note PMG Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ 1950-C $5 FR-1964-J* *STAR*
PMG Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ - FR-1964-J* STAR NOTE Smith/Dillon - From the Kansas City J District. Beautiful fresh well margined note with a light touch of handling in upper right corner or as made paper wrinkle. Anyway nice note with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. Only 1,800,000 star notes made.
1950-C $5 FR-1964-J* *STAR* US small size federal reserve notes PMG-CU 64 1950-C $5 FR-1964-J* *STAR*
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1964-J* STAR NOTE Smith/Dillon - From the Kansas City J District. Well margined near GEM note with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. Only 1,800,000 star notes made.
1950-E $5 FR-1966-B* US small size federal reserve "STAR NOTE" 1950-E $5 FR-1966-B* "STAR NOTE"
Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1966-B* Star Note- New York District Granahan/Fowler - 1950-E $5.00 were only issued from three of the twelve districts New York, Chicago and San Francisco.
1950-E $5 FR-1966-B* *STAR* PMG CU 64EPQ 1950-E $5 FR-1966-B* *STAR*
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1966-B* STAR NOTE Granahan/Fowler - From the New York B District - Crisp pack fresh near GEM with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. This note is consecutive to the other FR-1966-B* on site. The $5.00 1950 E series only issued from 3 Districts New York, Chicago and San Francisco.
1950 E $5 FR-1966-B* *STAR* US small size federal reserve note PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ 1950-E $5 FR-1966-B* *STAR*
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ - FR-1966-B* STAR NOTE Granahan/Fowler - From the New York B District - Crisp pack fresh near GEM with "EPQ" Exceptional Paper Quality. This note is consecutive to the other FR-1966-B* on site. The $5.00 1950 E series only issued from 3 Districts New York, Chicago and San Francisco.
1969 $5 FR-1969-K 1969 $5 FR-1969-K
Choice Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1969-K Elston/Kennedy - From the Dallas District
1969-A $5 FR-1970-K 1969-A $5 FR-1970-K
Choice Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1970-K Kabis/Connally - From the Dallas District
1969-B $5 FR-1971-K 1969-B $5 FR-1971-K
Choice Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1971-K Banuelos/Connally - From the tougher Dallas District with only 12,160,000 made.
1969-C $5 FR-1972-D
Choice Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1972-D Cleveland District Banuelos/Shultz
1974 $5 FR-1973-D
Choice Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1973-D Cleveland District Neff/Simon D/B Block
1974 $5 FR-1973-D
Choice Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1973-D Cleveland District Neff/Simon D/C Block
1977 $5 FR-1974-D
Choice Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1974-D Cleveland District Morton/Blumenthal D/A Block
1981 $5 FR-1976-B 1981 $5 FR-1976-B
Choice Crisp Uncirculated - FR-1976-B Buchanan/Regan - From the New York District
1988-A $5 F-1980 "Radar"
CGA Gem Uncirculated 66 - San Francisco District Villalpando/Brady Made in Washington DC. Beautiful high grade GEM with Radar serial number.
1995 $5 F-1984
Crisp Uncirculated - New York District Withrow/Rubin Made in DC
1995 $5 F-1985
Crisp Uncirculated - San Francisco District Withrow/Rubins Made in Fort Worth.
1995 & 1999 $5 Premium Historical Portfolio
Gem Uncirculated - Limited to only 5,000 sets, this beautifully designed presentation package houses one of the first 1999 $5 issued along with the last of the 1995 $5.
1999 $5 Deluxe Single Note
Choice/Gem - Series 1999 $5 Deluxe Notes were issued with serial numbers below 5000 this note is BA00004775A. Offered for sale by the BEP over the 2001 Holiday Season, these sold out years ago. Beautifully designed, the note is housed in an informative and striking inner folder that slides into an outer folder, providing another layer of protection. The folder highlights the new security features of this note, including a ‘watermark, micro-printing, security thread, and fine line printing’. This represents the early stages of the ‘‘Currency Arms Race”, as our government responded to the sophisticated challenges from a new generation of high tech counterfeiters.
1999 $5 Deluxe Single Note
Choice/Gem - Series 1999 $5 Deluxe Notes were issued with serial numbers below 5000 this note is BC00004788A. Offered for sale by the BEP over the 2001 Holiday Season, these sold out years ago. Beautifully designed, the note is housed in an informative inner folder that slides into an outer folder, providing another layer of protection. The folder highlights the new security features of this note, including a ‘watermark, micro-printing, security thread, and fine line printing’. This represents the early stages of the ‘‘Currency Arms Race”, as our government responded to the sophisticated challenges from a new generation of high tech counterfeiters.
1999 $5 F-1987-J**STAR*
Crisp Uncirculated - Kansas City District Star note Withrow/Summers Made in Fort Worth.
1999 $5 FR 1987-B* *STAR*
Almost Uncirculated -New York Marin/Summers
1999 $5 FR 1987-B* *STAR*
Crisp Uncirculated - New York District Withrow/Summers Made in Fort Worth.
1999 $5 FR 1987-F* *STAR*
Very Fine+ Atlanta Marin/Summers
1999 $5 *STAR* US small size federal reserve note 1999 $5 FR 1987-F* *STAR*
Crisp Uncirculated - Atlanta District Star note Withrow/Summers Made in Fort Worth.
2003 $5 FR 1987-L* *STAR*
Crisp Uncirculated - *STAR NOTE* San Francisco District Marin/Snow Made in Fort Worth.
2003 $5 FR 1990-B
Crisp Uncirculated - New York District Marin/Snow Made in Fort Worth.
2003-A $5 FR 1991-F* *STAR*
Crisp Uncirculated - *STAR NOTE* Atlanta District Cabral/Snow. Made in Fort Worth.
2003-A $5 FR 1991-K
Crisp Uncirculated - Dallas District Cabral/Snow Made in Fort Worth.
2006 $5 FR-1993B US Federal Reserve Note 2006 $5 FR 1993-B
Crisp Uncirculated - New York District Cabral/Paulson Made in Fort Worth.