Liberty Seated Dime - 1837-1891

1837 10c No Stars
NGC Uncirculated Details Improperly Cleaned - First Year for the Liberty Seated Type. The No-Stars Type was made for only two years. Very light hairlines on lustrous surfaces. Small amount of residue on I of DIME. Tough coin to find in higher grades! Mintage of 682,500 for all types
1838-O 10c
Very Good details - Someone marked the coin with a R in the right obverse field. Two Year Type Coin No Stars in field. This is the first year of production for the New Orleans mint. Mintage of only 406,034
1840-O 10c "No Drapery" US Seated Liberty silver dime 1840-O 10c "No Drapery"
Very Good/Fine Details - "No Drapery" New Orleans Mint. Surfaces look uncleaned and original with most of the letters in LIBERTY visible. BUT part of the rim is missing @ 11:00. Mintage of 1,175,000
1841-O 10c US Seated Liberty silver dime 1841-O 10c
Good+ New Orleans Mint. Mintage of 2,007,500
1841-O 10c
Good - Stars on the left are a little weak. New Orleans coins of 1840-1857 are often weakly struck. Mintage of 2,007,500
1844 10c US seated liberty silver dime NGC Good 4 1844 10c
NGC Good 4 - Original no problem collector grade of this hard to find year. Better Date with a low mintage of only 72,500
1845 10c
Very Good - Mintage of 1,755,000
1849 10c US seated liberty silver dime 1849 10c
Very Good - Mintage of 839,000
1850 10c US seated liberty silver dime 1850 10c
Very Fine+ High grade VF. Mintage of 1,931,500
1850 10c US seated liberty silver dime 1850 10c
Very Good - Mintage of 1,931,500
1853 10c Arrows at Date
Good - Mintage of 13,210,020
1853 10c Arrows at Date
Good+ Mintage of 12,078,010
1853 10c Arrows at Date
Good - Mintage of 12,078,010
1854 10c Arrows at Date
Good - Cleaned - Mintage of 4,470.000
1854 10c Arrows at Date
Very Fine - Original uncleaned example. Mintage of 4,470.000
1855 10c Arrows at Date ANACS AU 53 1855 10c Arrows at Date
ANACS About Uncirculated 53 - Light toning on this 3 year Type coin. No branch mints for the 1855 dime. Mintage of 2,075,000
1856 10c
Very Good+ Strong VG with most letters in Liberty showing. Cleaned long ago. Mintage of 5,780,000
1856 10c US seated Liberty silver dime 1856 10c Small Date
Very Good/Fine - Mintage of 5,780,000
1873 10c Arrows at Date
Fine - Harder to find Two Year Type coin. Mintage of 2,377,700
1873 10c Arrows at Date
Very Fine - Cleaned at one time. Two Year Type coin. Mintage of 2,377,700
1874 10c Arrows at Date
Good+ Cleaned at one time. Mintage 2,939,300
1875 10c
Very Fine - Strong Liberty. Mintage of 11,461,150
1875-CC 10c
About Good - CC Below Bow - Mintage 4,645,000
1875-S 10c
Good - This is the variety with the mint mark below wreath. Mintage 9,070,000
1876 10c
Very Good - Most of letters in Liberty showing. Mintage 11,450,000
1876 10c
Very Good - Centennial Year Mintage of 11,461,150
1876 10c
Very Good - Nearly a full Liberty. File mark @12:00 on reverse. Centennial Year Mintage of 11,461,150
1876 10c
Fine - Full Liberty original uncleaned Seated Liberty Dime. Mintage of 11,461,150
1876-CC 10c 1876-CC 10c
Very Fine - Sharp Liberty. From the Carson City Mint.
1876-CC 10c US seated liberty silver dime 1876-CC 10c
Fine+ High grade Fine with sharp Liberty. From the Carson City Mint. Mintage 8,270,000
1876-CC 10c
I believe this was someone's button or cuff link a long time ago. The button shaft or rod has been cut off.
1876-CC 10c
About Good - Cleaned with slight bend. Mintage 8,270,000
1876-S 10c 1876-S 10c
Very Fine+ Well stuck with original uncleaned surfaces.
1877 10c 1877 10c
Very Fine+ Full sharp Liberty cleaned at one time.
1877-CC 10c
About Good - Mintage 7,700,000
1877-CC 10c
Fine - Mintage 7,700,000
1877-CC 10c
Fine+ Mintage 7,700,000
1877-CC 10c
Good/About Good - Mintage 7,700,000
1877-CC 10c
Good/About Good - Mintage 7,700,000
1877-CC 10c NGC MS-62 US seated liberty silver dime 1877-CC 10c MS-62
NGC Mint State 62 - Great strike, booming mint luster and flashy white surfaces on this Uncirculated Carson City Mint issue.
1882 10c
Fine - Fine details but dark. Mintage of 3,910,000
1882 10c
Very Fine+ High grade VF Cleaned at one time. Mintage of 3,910,000
1883 10c
Very Fine - Sharp Liberty with well detailed original surfaces. Mintage of 7,674,673
1883 10c
Very Good - Full Liberty with rough surfaces. Mintage of 7,674,673
1883 10c Love Token
Fine Obverse - Love Token with initials on reverse. Loop removed
1875 10c US liberty seated silver dime 1885 10c
Fine - Strong Liberty. Mintage of 11,461,150
1886 10c
Very Good+ All Letters in Liberty showing. Mintage 6,376,684
1886 10c
Very Fine+ Original high grade VF with sharp full Liberty. Mintage 6,376,684
1886 10c Love Token
Very Fine Obverse - Love Token with initials on reverse.
1886 10c Love Token
Very Fine Obverse - Love Token with initials on reverse.
1887 10c
Very Fine+ Sharp Liberty. Mintage of 11,283,229
1887 10c
Fine - Full Liberty. Mintage of 11,283,229
1887-S 10c US seated Liberty silver dime AU-58 1887-S 10c
ANACS About Uncirculated 58 - Attractive AU with nice luster and original uncleaned surfaces.
1887-S 10c
Very Fine - From the San Francisco Mint. Mintage of 4,454,450
1888 10c
Very Good - LIBER shows in LIBERTY short cut through I in United. Mintage of 5,496,487
1888 10c
Fine - Mintage of 5,496,487
1888 10c
Very Fine - Sharp Liberty .Mintage of 5,496,487
1889 10c US seated Liberty silver dime 1889 10c
Choice Very Fine - Original uncleaned surfaces. Mintage of 9,911,541
1889 10c
About Good - Cuts on both sides. Mintage of 9,911,541
1890 10c
Extremely Fine - Original and uncleaned with sharp details. Mintage 9,910,951
1891 10c
Very Fine+ Original and uncleaned with nice toning. Mintage of 15,310,000
1891 10c
Very Good - Mintage of 15,310,000
1891-O 10c
Very Fine+ Strong Liberty. Mintage of 3,365,505
1891-S 10c
Good+ Mintage 3,196,116